Hello, my name is Nandita.

I am a multi-disciplinary designer, with a focus on Digital Design. My goal is to make every small action an experience through my design work.

I am currently in my final year of a Bachelor of Digital Media Design at RMIT university. My main specialisation and focus for my studies is in User Experience (UX) design. As part of my courses so far, I have gained skills in User Research and Interface design. I have learned how to visualise user journeys and cognitive maps. I find these topics very interesting, and am excited to get my foot into the industry soon.

I think it is greatly important to constantly apply all of my design skills, and therefore I frequently engage in new projects alongside my studies. I am constantly on the look out for opportunities and ways to apply the knowledge I have, alongside gaining new skills and meeting new people, whether this be through personal passion projects, freelance work, or collaborative projects with peers.

My main skills are currently in the fields of graphic design and content creation, through photography and videography. I have completed courses in typography, colour, hierarchy and composition, and enjoy growing my communication design knowledge through freelance and passion projects in my spare time.

Photography and videography have always been strong passions of mine. Recently, I have found myself drawn to film photography, and have spent a lot of time learning more about composition, technical photography skills, and processing and developing film in the dark room. This is a skill that I aim to hone and develop through more projects. I aim to tackle studio photography as my next venture in the industry.

I am also very drawn to innovative and creative videography. I have a background in Creative Media Production and Digital Video Production, but now aim to challenge traditional methods of filmmaking, and bring something unique to the scene. I have recently played around more with less commonly used film techniques such as camera-less filmmaking, glitch arts and mixed media stop motion animation. The end result was very different to other work I have produced, but very striking.

I have a strong passion for all things creative, and will take any opportunity to learn a new skill or make a new connection. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions, project proposals or feedback.

Thank you!

Nandita Guda

For enquiries and further information:
(+61) 4 9341 3125

@nandit4rchives on instagram
Nandita Guda on Youtube